Stone Boutique Australia is a proud family owned business in operation since 2007. We are a small team of dedicated professionals with a combined experience of some 75 years dealing with the earth's natural riches.
In the course of our careers, in this oldest of the world's Continents, we've on occasions stumbled across the most incredibly beautiful rock formations imaginable. This has not been a daily, monthly, or even yearly event, indeed it has been once-in-a-lifetime experience. This experience closely describes our revelation associated with Verde Fuoco.
Dimitri Tahan (Dee)
Dee is a mining engineer by profession. He has over 20 years of experience in the minerals industry and leads up the SBA team. Dee started the company in 2007 after realising the unique beauty of the Verde Fuoco. He fast tracked the establishment of the quarry and commenced exportation of blocks to Italy for processing. After the quarry appeared an episode of an Australian documentary in 2011 the company was inundated with requests for slabs and tiles. At the time, the company was only dealing in sales of raw blocks which prompted Dee to diversify the focus of the business and give his clients the opportunity to purchase the finished product.
George Tahan
George is a qualified geologist with some 45 years of experience. George's passion was always in mineral exploration. His career has taken him to projects around the globe where he came across some of the world's most beautiful stones.
George brings a wealth of experience to the business and usually has the answers to any technical questions relating to the stone. Having the ability to speak several languages makes him an asset to communicating with our international clients.
Lois Abate-Tahan
Lois leads the administrative functions of the business and is always willing to help our clients with extra support when it comes to coordinating the order. She has 20 years of business administration experience and is forever organising Dee and George with their respective schedules.
Marketing & Imagery
Stone Boutique Australia takes pleasure in offering Verde Fuoco to the greater market. Historically, SBA has been exporting Verde Fuoco blocks to Italy and India. We are now positioned to supply the finished product in any form our client’s request.
For architectural projects that require something opulent, elegant and unique, or perhaps just a single bench top or vanity for the home, Verde Fuoco has that special something which will set any project apart.
Slabs and tile stocks are on hand for immediate delivery. Cut to size requests are welcomed with blocks available for processing to your specific measurements.